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Older and Wiser

Reasons to choose Wilson Browne

Many older people are retiring from their career, for various reasons, such as reaching an age where they can take their private pension. However, they are finding they need something to enhance their quality of life and keep them in a social environment. Many have realised they still have the energy and passion to work.

Age is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. However, ageism throughout the recruitment process and in the workplace still exists and prevails.

To counteract this, businesses are recruiting older employees to fill gaps in the hospitality industry. Vacancies in hospitality have risen, according to the Office of National Statistics, by 63% post-Covid, and it has been suggested that older candidates are part of the solution to tackle this.

Retaining and recruiting the older generation of workers should be considered fundamental as the over 50’s represent one of the largest pools of economically inactive groups of people, with more than 3.5 million being unemployed (according to Age UK). Not only this but employing older people has proven to have other positive effects, such as bringing balance to the workplace, as well as strong communication skills and reliability.

The 2023 Spring Budget introduced a £63 million funded ‘Returnership’ programme designed to encourage those over 50’s to return to work. The offer focuses on flexibility and reduced training length to allow workers of all ages to commence on a new career. The initiative aims to provide a clear route back into the world of work and should act as an encouragement for employers to recruit and hire older workers.

Director of Public Affairs at PensionBee said that “older workers often feel like they can’t find the right kind of job for them. Many would prefer more flexible, part-time work.”

Recruiting experienced or returning staff could help employers, especially those in the hospitality industry, tackle vacancy shortages as well as improving inclusion and diversity and creates a more mature and experienced workplace.

Age should not be a barrier to securing a job, and employers should be encouraged to review the language used in job adverts that could deter, and potentially amount to discrimination against older workers. Perhaps rather than being referred to as ‘older workers’, the term ‘experienced’ should be the alternative label.

Here, at Wilson Browne Solicitors, the Employment Team can advise all aspects of employment law issues. Call us today or fill in our online form

Amy Lee


Amy Lee


Amy is often the first point of contact for clients of the employment team.