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What Are Vento Bands?

Reasons to choose Wilson Browne

These are the bands of awards for what we call ‘injury to feelings’.

These rewards are entirely discretionary and are made to some extent in most successful discrimination claims.

What is the update?

These will be apply to claims presented on or after the 6th April 2024. They are as follows:

  • A lower band: £1200 to £11,700 for less serious cases – e.g for a one off, isolated, act of discrimination.
  • A middle band: £11,700 to £35,200 – these are for cases that don’t quite reach the threshold of the upper band.
  • An upper band: £35,200 to £58,700 for the most serious cases – e.g for a prolonged and lengthy period of discrimination.

An award might exceed the top of the upper band (i.e., £58,700), but this will only be in the most exceptional circumstances.

If you think you might have a claim and are interested in discussing its strength and value then please get in contact with one of our Employment Team members.

Tom Charteress


Tom Charteress

Trainee Solicitor

Tom is a Trainee Solicitor in the Corporate and Commercial team in our Northampton office.