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Disputed debt

Reasons to choose Wilson Browne

  • Free Initial Consultation
  • Preaction Letter From £10
  • Free Debtor Credit Checks
  • Fixed Cost Proceedings
  • Direct Access To Your Legal Team

Recovering a disputed debt is not always straightforward. 

Let’s start by making a clear distinction between debt recovery, which is generally concerned with undisputed debts, and situations where perhaps a dispute between parties has resulted in a debt or monies being withheld.

Contractual sums due can arise in a variety of ways, and can be enforced through a seemingly endless amount of options.

The expert Commercial Litigation Team at Wilson Browne Solicitors know their adjudication from their mediation; their arbitration from their litigation from their insolvency, and; their negotiation from their alternative dispute resolution.

Best of all they can explain your options into plain,  always commercially sensible, English.

Disputes come in all shapes and sizes and can involve several parties. All have cash flow implications and the team specialises in providing down to earth and flexible funding options.

Where possible various forms of ‘no win no fee’ can be considered,  backed by legal expenses insurance from market leaders Temple the playing field can be levelled, and cash flow concerns addressed.

Contact the team for a no obligation discussion.

“Thank you David.  I would most certainly recommend your services in future.  I valued your honest opinion when advising me and I knew it was a risk.  Sometime you have to put fears behind you and push for what you are entitled.  It was the right and just outcome.  Thanks once again to you and the rest of your team.” Mrs Fossey.

“You stood by me and argued my corner right to the end.  I was really pleased to avoid a court case too, as that would have been really stressful.”  Mr Patrick, Northamptonshire.

“Impressed with how quickly and efficiently you deal with complicated disputes.  We are extremely happy with the friendly and local service.”  Heather Gout, Total Computer Network.

A Copy Of Our Debt Recovery Fees Can Be Found Here