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Meet The Team

Reasons to choose Wilson Browne

They say that ‘people buy people’ – a saying that holds true even in today’s competitive, fast-paced world.

We do things differently at Wilson Browne Solicitors: we’re not afraid to show our personalities. For us, legal expertise is a given – what you really need is someone who you can relate to, and who’ll be at you side as you navigate the sometimes turbulent water of owning or running a business, so if you’re wondering what our Corporate & Commerical team is really like, read on…

Q&A with Holly Threlfall

What’s your area of specialism?

I support businesses with all aspects of their lifecycle. I work with start-up businesses, advising on their incorporations and governing documents. I help established businesses restructure or scale up with acquisition strategies, funding documents and employee share schemes. And I also act on retirement sales and management buy-outs – facilitating the right exit strategy for any business owner.

What is the most interesting part of your work?

The sheer variety of work – no two instructions are the same, not just because of the breadth of law that I cover but because of the diverse range of sectors I support, each with their own needs. I’ve acted for nurseries and care-homes that have more regulatory and compliance concerns, through to manufacturers and tech companies where there is a focus on intellectual property. I like to take the time to get to know each client and business so that I can advise them in context.

What is it that you enjoy about corporate & commercial law?

It surprises most people when I tell them this – but it’s very creative. You can get some unusual structures and agreements which require layers of bespoke drafting, and often there are several ways to structure a particular instruction or transaction. So I get to combine creative thinking with pragmatic problem solving, working with a team of advisors to effect the best solution for the client.

What would your clients say about you?

I deliver a platinum service but in an approachable manner. For me, it’s all about service and looking after people whilst providing them with technical expertise.
What Holly’s clients have said: “Holly is a focused professional with a balanced approach between opportunity and risk. Genuine care for the client’s welfare and a great communicator with both client and counterpart professionals. Highly recommended. ”

How do you keep a work-life balance?

I like to say that I’m a lawyer by day, but a baker by night. I frequently make and decorate novelty cakes, bakes and cupcakes – my chocolate brownies are particularly good. Of course, I have to balance the calories from the baking with exercise so I can also be regularly found on a badminton court.

Favourite thing about working at Wilson Browne.

I’m still relatively new to the team, but I’ve been made to feel welcome and a part of the family very quickly. There is a really strong support network, not just in technical expertise but genuine support for everyone’s wellbeing and welfare, which is important at every level.

Favourite cake

A baked cheesecake – but it has to be a proper NY-style baked cheesecake, not a frozen one.

Q&A with Andrew Kerr

What’s your area of specialism?

I specialise in corporate and commercial law – this is a very broad sector covering advising on business structures, shareholder and partnership agreements, sale and purchase of businesses, general commercial advice including terms and conditions, finance and banking documents and succession planning (to name a few!)

What’s the most interesting part of your work?

It’s the transactional work that interests me most. The combination of being a lawyer, project manager, accountant, mediator…and many roles in between makes it challenging and keeps it interesting! Working with businesses in corporate & commercial law, you become a sounding board and trusted advisor – it’s a lot more than just the technical expertise.

What is it that you enjoy about corporate & commercial law?

I really enjoy helping people with their journey. Understanding where it is they want to go and guiding them throughout the process; supporting all aspects of their legal and business needs. I can work with clients for several years over projects – especially when engaged in a succession planning exercise – building that relationship and seeing everyone’s hard work come to fruition is a very rewarding part of the job.

What would your clients say about you?

I am often commended for my no-nonsense approach to advice; I avoid legal jargon and discuss points with my clients using everyday language.

How do you keep a work-life balance?

Most people know that I’m into classic cars, but a lot of people don’t know that I am very into the arts – music, concerts, theatre, ballet, opera & films. The best concert I’ve been to was Cold Play at the Albert Hall 2014. I got the ticket on a whim as my wife couldn’t go and I wasn’t expecting much, but it turned out to be utterly brilliant. The venue was amazing and the album they were playing (Ghost Stories) was incredible, I loved every track.

Favourite thing about working at Wilson Browne

We have a very friendly team. There is no pretence, you don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not and everyone is here to help and support one another.

Favourite cake

Keep it simple – Victoria Sponge

Q&A with Duncan Crowther

What’s your area of specialism?

I work a lot on corporate transactions, dealing with the sale and purchase of businesses. Before I came to the law, I was an engineer designing for the aerospace industry and semi-conductors. Therefore, I have a unique insight into these worlds and can relate to my clients businesses easily and more commercial aspects of business. I guess it’s one of the reasons that I receive so many instructions both in relation to the sale and purchases of businesses, but also regarding commercial contracts and similar works.

What’s the most interesting part of your work?

I like working out and finding different solutions a problem. There can be many different ways to effect a particular transaction, but it’s about finding the most effective one for your client.

What is it that you enjoy about corporate & commercial law?

I really enjoy the technical aspects of the work. I get absorbed in complex drafting and can get very particular about it as it does have to be right. I also really enjoy working with my clients; the work we do and nature of transactions that I get involved in can be complicated. It’s rewarding helping guide people through that legal minefield and translating the legal jargon into a real-world understanding.

What would your clients say about you?

That I’m down to earth; I provide practical solutions rather than blinding people with technical language and science.

How do you keep a work-life balance?

I enjoy being outdoors; whether it’s playing golf or just going for a walk. It’s good to separate your focus between work and home and do something to ‘switch off’.

Favourite thing about working at Wilson Browne

It’s the diversity of the people that we have working here. We have a great atmosphere which makes it an enjoyable place to be.

Favourite cake

It’s got to be ginger cake. I just really like ginger!

Q&A with Nadiya Sheikh

What’s your area of specialism?

I have undertaken a wide range of work corporate work from employee share schemes such as EMI Schemes, share acquisitions and disposals, Buy-Backs and Management Buy-Outs, Shareholders Agreements, Articles of Association…the list goes on! That said, I do enjoy dealing with Company structures in particular, working on MBOs, employee share schemes, restructuring and transactional work.

What’s the most interesting part of your work?

Definitely speaking with clients! Getting that initial instruction and building a relationship early on and continuing it throughout a piece of work is key. I enjoy working with people and building that relationship is really important to providing a high quality service.

What is it that you enjoy about corporate & commercial law?

It can be very technical. I like the drafting and working on incorporating the needs of the client and adapting documents to suit their particular requirements.

What would your clients say about you?

I’d like to think that they would say I’m approachable, friendly and knowledgeable. Certainly, I’m all about the relationship and want to help.

How do you keep a work-life balance?

I have three sons and I make sure that I make time for them. They may all be grown up now, or rather they think they are, but they are still my babies. That said, when they are off pretending to be adults I spend time at the gym and the cinema.

Favourite thing about working at Wilson Browne

It’s a really friendly atmosphere. Everyone is approachable and there is a high level of expertise and breadth of knowledge which everyone is willing to share.

Favourite cake

Keep it simple, Victoria sponge. Or anything made by Holly…

Q&A with Rebekah Hobbs

What’s your area of specialism?

Although I undertake both corporate and commercial work, I do enjoy transactional work in particular. Not everyone is familiar with the distinction between the two, commercial work is the legal aspects of how your business operates…your terms and conditions of trade, website policies, franchise and supply agreements. Corporate work deals with governance matters for companies and business structures. The transactional side combines both of these, acting on the sale or purchase of businesses which will involve not only the corporate element dealing with the change in ownership but understanding the commercial side of how businesses operates and impact of the transaction.

What’s the most interesting part of your work?

Learning about different businesses that we work with and the range of sectors that we get involved with. From engineering, technology and software development through to professional services (and many others) each area has its own idiosyncrasies.

What is it that you enjoy about corporate & commercial law?

That every day is different! I never know what is going to come across my desk and what curveballs we will have that day. It keeps it exciting!

What would your clients say about you?

I would like to think that they say I’m pro-active. I work incredibly hard to meet deadlines and regularly go above and beyond to achieve their expectations. The corporate world can be a challenging one; with many demands asked of our clients and I do all that I can to support them in reaching their own goals.

How do you keep a work-life balance?

I do hot pod yoga – this is yoga but in a heated tent! This helps me relax and wind-down from the day. I also prioritise spending time with my family and friends, as well as taking my dog Murphy for long walks (he’s a border collie, slightly nuts and in need of lots of exercise)

Favourite thing about working at Wilson Browne

Everyone here is really friendly. It has a family feel to the firm, it’s easy to talk to people and I know that I am supported in my role and growth.

Favourite cake

This is a difficult one! It would be between a lemon drizzle…and a carrot cake.

Q&A with Kate Newman

What’s your area of specialism?

I’m still learning and training as I’m currently a paralegal; working closely with the team at Wilson Browne to be able to support clients with all aspects of their legal needs. That said, I have a background in Corporate Finance therefore I do have particular expertise in transactional work and the sale and purchase of businesses. I’ve managed a wealth of both share and asset sales and purchases in the past and that has certainly come in handy when now dealing with the transactions at Wilson Browne.

What’s the most interesting part of your work?

It’s the clients. I knew that I wanted to be a lawyer when I was 7. I grew up indirectly around the law as my mum studied psychology and the law; I determined I wanted to be a lawyer because I wanted to help people. However, I also enjoy problem solving and enjoy that working in law you can get to a definitive resolution whilst helping people. I get to guide people through their journey. Whilst I did get to do this when I was working as an advisor in Corporate Finance, I knew that I always wanted to get back to the law which is where my journey had started.

What is it that you enjoy about corporate & commercial law?

It’s a very constructive and positive area of law. Usually, clients are coming to us because they are on a an exciting stage in their life and business journey and I thrive off of the energy from transactions.

What would your clients say about you?

I’m open and honest. Key to any relationship is building trust and I work hard to build trust with my clients so that they know they can rely on me.

How do you keep a work-life balance?

I have a one-year old son, Henry, and I understand how important maintaining a balance is. Whilst sometimes I can find it difficult to switch off and I am committed to getting things done, I am conscious that I need to have a balance in my life and want to equally be there for my family. So, I make time for Henry, I have time that I dedicate to being with Henry so I can be there as he grows up. I do also want to get back into running…I just need to get into a new rhythm.

Favourite thing about working at Wilson Browne

I like our team and the people here. Everyone is extremely welcoming. It’s also a positive working environment, I feel supported and despite any stressful situations (as happens in all walks of life, but transactions can certainly be high-energy) it’s always very calm and rational. There aren’t any egos, it’s all about getting the work done for the client.

Favourite cake

I like a good carrot cake, it’s got a good balance between savoury and sweet.

Q&A with Sara Ali

What’s your area of specialism?

I am early in my career still, so I am still learning and getting to know the wide world of corporate and commercial law. That said, I have focused so far on mergers and acquisitions as well as charity work. I am however keen to learn and want to know more – I’m good at research and want to learn as much as I can!

What’s the most interesting part of your work?

I would say getting to the bottom of a problem. To know that there is an answer out there, to find it and apply the right mechanism is really satisfying. I enjoy analysing contracts and problems and looking to find the right solution.

What is it that you enjoy about corporate & commercial law?

It’s very systematic. There is a process in transactional work which needs to be followed and it’s a great feeling to get to completion knowing that we’ve completed the puzzle. Corporate is also a very unique area of law as the emotions may run high, but it’s positive emotions and looking to get a deal completed.

I also love that every matter is different and there is a real variety in my day to day work.

What would your clients say about you?

I would like to think they would say I am reliable and that I deal with their work in a timely manner. I don’t like to sit on a problem, I will always look to address it head on and get to the solution.

How do you keep a work-life balance?

I make sure that I keep my clients informed, so my time and their expectations is well managed. Wilson Browne are very supportive and encourage a genuine balance which helps.

When I’m not in the office, I do like to travel and explore new cities. When at home, I have taken up Volleyball and Badminton.

Favourite thing about working at Wilson Browne

Genuinely, although I know that everyone will have said this, it’s the team. Everyone is very supportive and works well together. There are real opportunities to learn here, as everyone is willing to help and share their knowledge. It’s a really positive environment.

Favourite cake

Birthday cake! Keep it simple with a vanilla cake, buttercream and sprinkles!

Q&A with Catherine Healy

What’s your area of specialism?

I do have a lot of experience in both corporate transactions and commercial law. That said, I am partial to commercial contracts, intellectual property and supporting businesses with the legal aspects of their operations.

What’s the most interesting part of your work?

The range of businesses that I work with as well as the people that I get to know and support. I really enjoy building relationships with people and getting to know their industry, sector and seeing businesses grow.

What is it that you enjoy about corporate & commercial law?

The technical element. There is a really broad range of aspects of a business that you can get involved in at all stages of a business lifecycle, but everything we do is always very technical and needs to be carefully drafted and considered in the context of the business and their needs.

What would your clients say about you?

This is a difficult one! In all my endeavours with clients, I aim to deliver a professional service but remain approachable and transparent in my communications with them.

How do you keep a work-life balance?

It helps that I do really enjoy my job – but  I do spend time at the gym & going for walks – fitness is a priority for me.

Favourite thing about working at Wilson Browne

The team. We have a close-knit team with a wealth of experience which I can learn from. I’ve been here since my placement year in 2019 and the firm has really invested in my professional development. I’ve recently qualified and have been the first trainee to do the SQE route.

Favourite cake

It’s an easy answer – lemon.