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New Pilot Scheme Speeds Up Process Of Deputyship Application

Reasons to choose Wilson Browne

If you have a loved one who lacks mental capacity and they have not made an Enduring or Lasting Power of Attorney in the past, it may be that they require a Deputy to be appointed to manage their financial affairs on their behalf. If this is the case, an application will need to be made to the Court of Protection.

The appointment of a Deputy by the Court of Protection is a lengthy process and can leave family members in difficult positions as they are unable to access funds, settle outstanding liabilities or deal with financial organisations.

The usual method of making an application to the Court is by post. After a period of approximately one month the Court will issue the application and notices then need to be served on relevant parties. Following a waiting period the application will be considered by the Court and Orders then issued. This process can take up to 9 months to complete.

At Wilson Browne the COP Team have the privilege of being one of a limited number of solicitors selected to take part in the Court’s application Pilot Scheme. The advantage of the Scheme is all notifications are made prior to submission and the applications are made through an online portal.

Having been part of the Scheme for over 12 months we have found our applications are being been processed in significantly less time than those made by post, with Orders often being issued within 3- 4 months.

At Wilson Browne Solicitors we have a dedicated team who have the skills and expertise to advise or to assist you to make applications to the Court. If you have a loved one you believe would benefit from having an appointed Deputy please contact the Court of Protection Team who will be happy to help. Call 0800 088 6004.

Rachel Hayes


Rachel Hayes

Associate Legal Practitioner

Rachel is a member of the Court of Protection Team. She assists with the general administration of financial affairs under a Power of Attorney, including making applications to the Court of Protection.