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General Permitted Development consultation

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The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities recently published a consultation on changes to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order (SI 2015/596) (GPDO 2015).

The consultation covers the following areas:

A new permitted development right (PDR) to support temporary recreational campsites.

The PDR would permit the temporary use of land (up to 60 days per calendar year) for the placing of tents, and the provision on the land of moveable structures related to the campsite use, such as portable toilets. The right would be subject to limitations and conditions to control impacts and protect local amenity.

Changes to existing PDRs for solar equipment and a new PDR for solar canopies on non-domestic car parks.

The government is seeking views on whether the existing PDR for solar equipment should apply to domestic buildings with flat roofs.

Amendment to the existing PDR which allows local planning authorities (LPAs) to undertake certain development.

This change would allow bodies to undertake work on behalf of the LPA. This amendment would enable LPAs to appoint charge point providers to install public electric vehicle (EV) charge points on their behalf.

Changes to the existing PDR allowing for the temporary use of buildings or land for film-making purposes including changes to increase the time period that the right can be used for commercial film-making and increase the site size and height of temporary structures that can be used for film-making purposes.

The full consultation can be read here –  – the consultation will run from 28 February to 25 April 2023.

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