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Government seeks views on Tenancy Deposits

Reasons to choose Wilson Browne

Further to our article yesterday the Government has launched a consultation on tenancy deposits…

…focusing on the existing deposit redress schemes and the difficulties tenants may face in seeking to pay a deposit before the return of a deposit on a previous property.

Interested parties are invited to submit their views and the consultation can be found here

Landlords may be more interested in dealing with the hugely punitive penalties or failing to protect a deposit which has become something of a cottage industry for some lawyers as they seek to claim tens of thousands of pounds for “repeated” breaches of the requirements when tenancies automatically renew.  Increasingly we are seeing “claims farmer” style lawyers bringing claims for many times the original deposit and often when the landlord has in fact bent over backwards to help the tenant.  Landlords may well feel that the consultation should just conclude that for their own protection they should just not take a deposit.”

If you need any Landlord or Property advice contact our Specialist Team or learn more with our comprehensive tenancy deposit schemes guide.